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[android]data binding 5 - mistake error 본문


[android]data binding 5 - mistake error

pearlab 2023. 6. 1. 18:39

miss @JvmStatic

miss match attribute

                        app:text_num='@{viewmodel.num}' />


miss match @BindingAdapter("text_num")

miss match @InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "text_num", event = "android:textAttrChanged")



two-way-binding build message

The expression 'viewmodelNum.getValue()' cannot be inverted, so it cannot be used in a two-way binding



one-way-binding fatal message

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{`package name`}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Required DataBindingComponent is null in class ActivityBindingImpl. A BindingAdapter in `package name` is not static and requires an object to use, retrieved from the DataBindingComponent. If you don't use an inflation method taking a DataBindingComponent, use DataBindingUtil.setDefaultComponent or make all BindingAdapter methods static.